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Men's Items & Info

We have 20 different styles of men's doublets as well as the breeches, shirts, and accessories you need to complete your Renaissance look.

Every doublet is hand made by our designer and all items are made after you order them.
With us, you have the rare ability to order a custom item at a production price: pick your style, leather color, tooling or fabric color and even make slight changes to the size at no extra charge.

Please visit the "About Us" link or the "F.A.Q." link for more information.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us:


All of are doublets are available in the following sizes: Regular, Regular Tall, Small, Small Tall, XL and Custom. They are open at the side seam and lace closed. For more information about the sizing, please visit our sizing page.

Our shirts and pants are all "one size fits most". They are generously sized and actually will fit most. If you feel you may need a larger (or smaller) size than standard, simply let us know in the "notes" section when you order.

As always, you may email us with any suggestions, questions, and comments.


Below, you can scroll through all our Renaissance men's products by using the arrows on the right.

Click on any image to navigate to it's page for more pictures and to order.


Below you can find "parts" to your existing costume that you might be interested in ordering.

Side Panels for Doublets or Custom Sizing Fee

Side panels are 4" wide each; adding a total of 8" per pair; they are sold in pairs

If you have contacted us about a special size based on your measurements and we told you we need to charge you a custom sizing fee, please add this item to your cart. You will be contacted after you place your order for information about what measurements we need.

Replacement Laces
from $0.10

If you have lost a lace for your costume, you can pick one up at any one of our booths, or order one here.