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the Ladies Doublet

Women's Cloaks & Jackets

the Ladies Doublet


the Ladies Doublet


The ladies' doublet is a fitted, lightly boned doublet, with full length, split sleeves (you can order these sewn in or lace on (i.e. removable)).

Your choice of chenille fabric for the exterior and brocade for the interior. The trim is a black braid trim that follows every edge of the doublet. You have a choice of either pewter clasps or grommets as a front closure (the advantage of grommets is you can lace your doublet loose or tight, depending on your outfit. The clasps are beautiful, but can bend and break if you are not careful)

Lined with black cotton. It can be worn over an Elizabethan style corset, your bodice, or just a chemise.

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To pair with this doublet, consider adding a chemise and skirt:

the Lady Jane Chemise

Generously sized (one size) cotton chemise with grosgrain ribbon casing. It has a drawstring top and elastic cuffs. The ribbon is available in a variety of colors to match or contrast the color of fabric you choose. (please see our colors page for the ribbon colors we have available)

Brocade Skirt

Lovely light-weight brocade skirt available in several types of brocade: textured Zuma Brocade, the 100% cotton Brocade, and several more standard brocades.

This a circle skirt with a generous drawstring waist.