Mad.Girl Clothing
Mad.Girl Clothing is a division of Pendragon Costumes, purveyors of quality historical and fantasy clothing for men and women for over 20 years. Designs in leather and cloth bring styles, both bold and demure, to fashionistas of the Neo-Victorian era.
The Mad.Girl line specializes in Steampunk and Neo-Victorian couture, offing a wide variety of custom items to complete or compliment your steamy ensembles.
From bold and brazen to sophisticate and demure, Mad.Girl offers the look in comfortable Neo-Victorian elegance. Leather corsets, jackets and dresses as well as beautiful fabric skirts, blouses and complete outfits, Mad.Girl can help any women look and feel transported to a new future.
Many items can also be worn seamlessly with modern clothing for a night on the town, so if you are creating a futuristic look or a look for tomorrow night, Mad.Girl can give your wardrobe that needed edge of elan you are seeking.
High above the clouds or large and in charge on land and sea, Mad.Girl creates the look to make women swoon. Military inspired leather vest and jackets as well as dirigible captain coats lend a dashing air to any Steampunk'd gentleman. For those of a more devious bent we can adorn you in airship-pirate or our highwaymen coats.
Our vests and coats can also be worn to romantic dinners and nights out on the town lending a debonair air to your singular look.